
Asquareknotconsistsoftwo“throws”....Throwsareconstructedbycrossingtheendsofthesuturetoformaloopandthenwrappingoneendofthesuture ...,TheSurgeon'sKnotisavariationofthesquareknot,wheretheinitialthrowisbroughtthroughthelooptwiceinsteadofonce.Thisincreasesfrictionofthe ...,Asquareknotisthemostfrequentlyusedknotwhenplacingligaturesandsutures.Itisthemostsecureknotandisleastlikelytounravel.Asquareknot...

Basic Knot

A square knot consists of two “throws”. ... Throws are constructed by crossing the ends of the suture to form a loop and then wrapping one end of the suture ...

Knot Tying: Two

The Surgeon's Knot is a variation of the square knot, where the initial throw is brought through the loop twice instead of once. This increases friction of the ...


A square knot is the most frequently used knot when placing ligatures and sutures. It is the most secure knot and is least likely to unravel. A square knot ...

Knots and Throws

Square knot: once round the needle holders for each throw (i.e. first, second and subsequent throw/s). Surgeon's knot: twice round the needle holders on the ...

Surgical Knot Tying

The square surgeons knot is the most reliable and well-known for nearly all suture materials.

Surgical Tie

Uses: The Surgical Tie Knot is a Square (Reef) Knot (ABOK # 460, p 75.) It is widely used in surgery although less secure than the Ligature Knot, which starts ...

Wayne State University Department of Surgery Knot Tying I ...

The square knot is the basic knot used in surgery. In this knot, two half-hitches are placed in opposite directions (mirror images of each other).